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About Us

About Us

In 2016, we were invited to 8 weddings ...yes 8 in a 7 month period for our friends and family. This got me thinking that there should be a site online that offers really cool "up north" type of gifts or home decor.

Hannah Anderson
I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit and can't sit still for more than 5 mins because my mind gets filled with ideas that I want to bring to life. I love all things marketing so I thought we should give this idea a whirl! Even though, I'm an outdoor loving and sports playing woman, I also really really enjoy shopping. Most of my friends do too, so I thought this could be a gift to them as well! 
Jordan Peura
Over the last few years of dating Hannah, I've learned that you either get on board or get out of her way. So I jumped on board with Compass Rose! I help fill in where I can and have self-appointed myself the title of Warehouse Manager - the joke is our warehouse is our guestroom at the moment. 

EDDY - "Guard Dog" that sleeps 98% of the time. 
Eddy sleeping after camping

So, together and the support of family and friends, we have launched Compass Rose in the summer of 2016. We're just two crazy cats and a dog that love our "up north" life and wanted to try a new adventure together! ...because life wasn't busy enough ha!  

About Our Logo and Name

Ever since I was a little kid, my Grandpa Hank had taught me how to navigate. That's where my fascination with compasses started. When I was about 14 years only he let me solely navigate our way down to Orlando, Florida. Back then, I thought he had all the trust in the world in my navigational skills, now...I know better. 
Compass Rose String Art
When designing the logo and style, my mind wandered back to my roots of reading maps and how a compass has always been a staple in my life. Not too long ago, I created a string art sculpture on my wall (included 300+ nail holes). It would not fit straight up-and-down, so I tilted the compass rose to point true north. It was a conversation piece, everyone would say "that's not straight". I'd explain that it was true north and they'd want me to prove it with a compass. 

When adding the compass element to the logo design I didn't want it to be straight, the true north pointing compass gives it more character and "direction". 

The name compass rose, felt very masculine and feminine at the same time. That's where the font choices and colors came from as well. 
